Delavski boj v Palestini

Ker je mednarodna solidarnost pomembna in ker se vselej velja ozreti onkraj ‘tehničnih ovir’ na naših mejah: tako beremo kratko poročilo z zasedenih palestinskih ozemelj o tem, zakaj 50 let izraelske okupacije pomeni tudi 50 let palestinskega delavskega boja.

With a quarter of Palestinians living under the poverty line, and a similar unemployment rate, Palestinians have struggled for decades to make a living and assert their rights in the workplace.

During the past 50 years, the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip has unequivocally affected working conditions for Palestinians. At the same time, unions have struggled to rise above political divides to make concrete strides to protect Palestinian workers’ rights. […] While trade unions first emerged in Palestine in the 1920s, the movement was severely weakened following the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, as many union leaders were exiled to neighbouring countries, or living under Jordanian rule in the West Bank, which repressed labour movements.

From the Six-Day War to the First Intifada, during the first two-and-a-half decades of the occupation, Israel also cracked down on unionists.

“At that time, we worked in two ways. We fought against the occupation, and we fought to support the workers,” Husain Foqahaa, a member of the national secretariat of the Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU), tells Equal Times. “Many times, we held demonstrations against the occupation, we made announcements and meetings, we supported the PLO. For those reasons, they arrested us.”

Več v članku: Palestine: 50 years of occupation, 50 years of labour struggle