“No going back!” – Vabljeni k podpisu manifesta!

12. maja v Sloveniji in drugod po svetu praznujejo medicinske sestre in zdravstveni tehniki. Ob letošnjem mednarodnem dnevu medicinskih sester pa je organizacija PSI – Public Services International pripravila manifest, dostopen spodaj.

V njem med drugim pravijo takole:

As we rebuild from the crisis, we must transform the way societies are organised. We must organise our societies around the capacity to care. We must all recognise the union adage Touch One Touch All – if our healthcare systems cannot care for all, we are all at risk.

When governments pay respect to nurses today, we ask them to recognise the following fundamental principles:

  • The most important purpose of government is to organise society so that everyone can be cared for.
  • We can no longer tolerate the perverse practice of extracting profits from ill-health.
  • Healthcare must never be dependent on the capacity to pay.
  • Trade must enhance the capacity of nations to provide quality public healthcare, not restrict it.

Vabljeni k podpisu in deljenju!

Več informacij in podrobnosti je dostopnih tukaj: Sign on to the Manifesto No Going Back!