Kapital proti okolju in okoljski zakonodaji

Nujno branje: o tem, kako korporacije oziroma podjetja tožijo države in kaj to pomeni za sprejemanje ustrezne okoljske zakonodaje.

It is not uncommon for companies to sue governments. According to UN figures, 117 states worldwide are currently being dragged to court for allegedly putting private investments at risk.

As a result, governments often prefer watering down their planned environmental laws in order to ward off potential litigation.

France, for instance, softened its climate protection laws that meant to restrict natural gas and oil production following a threat of legal action by Canadian company Vermilion. The energy company Uniper is currently preparing a lawsuit against the Netherlands over the country’s planned withdrawal from coal. And since 2012, Vattenfall has been suing Germany for its nuclear phase-out, with compensation and legal costs amounting to more than €6 billion.

The right of investors to sue states is “poison for the fight against climate change,” says Bettina Müller, a trade officer at the Berlin-based NGO PowerShift.

Activists are not alone in this fight. Even the UN has its reservations on investor protection clauses, arguing they weaken laws designed to fight climate change.

Več tukaj: Global climate laws threatened by rise in investor-state disputes