Konec volonterskih pripravništev

Že več let opozarjamo na pomen kakovostnih in plačanih pripravništev, tako v Sloveniji kot tudi na mednarodni ravni. Že leta 2013 smo vse takratne slovenske evropske poslance in poslanke pozvali k plačevanju svojih pripravnikov in pripravnic. Na mednarodnem nivoju si za to prizadevamo v okviru Evropske konfederacije sindikatov (ETUC) in tudi znotraj Evropskega mladinskega foruma (YFJ), kjer smo aktivni kot zagovorniki pravic mladih. Ta teden pa nas je razveselila novica, da so volonterska pripravništva končno prepovedali tudi v Evropskem parlamentu.

The Bureau of the European Parliament agreed on key principles which will form the basis to revise internal rules on internships in MEPs offices. According to these new principles, interns will be hired directly by the European Parliament and their working conditions will be comparable to those offered under the Robert Schuman programme: this means that all interns will receive decent remuneration for their work.

According to a shocking survey carried out in 2017 by the Youth Intergroup, currently, one-quarter of interns working for MEPs and political groups in the European Parliament are paid less than €600 a month and 8% of them are unpaid.

Več tukaj: The European Parliament bans unpaid internships