O tesnobi in trgu dela

Delimo zanimiv in tehten prispevek o tem, kako negotove oblike zaposlitve, izguba dela in drugi ‘osebni porazi’ na trgu dela vplivajo na posameznikovo zasebno življenje, ter kakšno razmišljanje vzpostavljajo.

“The fact that people’s health and emotional well-being are so closely tied to the absence of steady work is striking. Yet what matters here is not just job insecurity; it’s also what we might call the culture of insecurity: the growing conventional wisdom that precarious employment is inevitable. Many Americans can narrate the decline of the social contract, the collapse of the kinds of jobs their grandfathers held for decades before retiring and getting the gold watch.

These kinds of cultural proverbs, as they are repeated and shared among us, tell us which kinds of emotions are appropriate responses and which are not. If job insecurity is all that we can expect, for example, we learn that resistance is not just futile. It is akin to cursing the wind: misguided, blind to what everybody knows, even illegitimate.”

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